Ordering: |
All orders go through our website and are prepaid by credit
card. |
Contact: |
Andy Haslam
The Haslam Corporation
1003 21st Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL 33704
Email is the best way to contact us.
We run from the office to the warehouse to the post office all
day, so it's hard to catch us on the phone. (727) 827-0110. |
Shipping: |
We ship Only via USPS 1st class or
priority mail to US destinations.
We ship to destinations within the US only.
Orders up to about 8 ounces in weight will ship 1st class.
Larger orders will ship by priority mail. |
Shipping Cost: |
$2.00 for
orders under $25.00.
No Shipping Charge on Orders $25.00 or more.
Delivery time is usually 5 to 6 business days from date of
order. |
Privacy Policy: |
only use your information to fill your order.
We do not maintain any customer lists or databases.
We do not buy, sell or trade customer information with anyone
else. |
Florida Taxes: |
we are shipping your order to Florida, then you will be charged
sales tax.
If we ship to other states, sales tax is not added.
If you are a business in Florida and are going to use the
scissors in your business, the you will be charged sales tax. |
Exemptions: |
you are a tax-exempt organization in Florida or you are a
business in Florida purchasing for resale, then you are not
charged for sales tax. And here are the details to make that
- Have your Florida Tax Number ready.
- When you check out, do NOT check
the "Check here if shipping to Florida" box.
- Click the "Purchase For" button
- On the Shipping Address, for the
State, pick "FL" at the very bottom of the drop down
list. - Not "Florida"
- In the Comments Field, Enter your
Tax number and state either that you are a tax exempt
organization or that you are purchasing for resale.
- And continue as usual.